California Man Poses for Pictures After Random Attack on Elderly Man – JONATHAN TURLEY

Nicholas Hosteter, 25, is not the first alleged felon to be caught after the circulation of a photo. He is one of the few, however, who can claim that he posed for a wanted picture taken by one of his own victims.

Hosteter was arrested in connection to the two attacks on elderly men, according to the Campbell Police Department.

On May 4, Hosteter allegedly punched a victim on San Tomas Aquino Road and the victim pulled out his cellphone to take a picture of his attacker. To his surprise, Hosteter stopped and posed for the picture. The police then used it to capture him.

The second random attack involved a 75-year-old man taking a walk. He was punched in the face. The victim and his family returned to the scene shortly afterward to look for surveillance cameras. They then spotted Hosteter who allegedly tried to fight the family and then left the area.

Police made the arrest at his home where he lives with his parents.

He is now facing two counts of elder abuse and battery of an officer (due to kicking one of the arresting officers).

Obviously, a psychiatric evaluation should be one of the first things ordered by the court.

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